Monday, December 15, 2008

The two Stroke, BACK!

Transworld Motocross is reportedly stating they have heard rumors the 250 class for the outdoors will indeed be a 250 class. That means anything you want to run, up to 250cc's.
Click here to read what they said.


The privateer now has a legitimate shot a fielding a competitive bike! Not only does a stock 250 put of as much or more H.P. than the most modified of 250f's, but it does so effortlessly and reliably.

The 250 can be run a season stock, if need be, but with top ends in the 100 dollar mark, there is no reason to not keep it fresh between races, if not moto's!

Now it certainly has some disadvantages in certain areas. For one, on tight slick tracks, the four stroke, even if slower, is easier to ride. Another area is in right hand corners, as the rear brake is not available to the rider at all times, and the two stroke has zero compression braking. But many professionals run a slipper type clutch to eliminate compression braking, so this may not be a factor.

For the outdoors, with most tracks being fast, sweeping, and fairly wide open, the 250 is a perfect weapon to compete on. I can not wait to see some no name, faceless privateer show up on a stock motor, and rip a fat holeshot! It will be like taking candy from a child.

If this site could possible urge anything to its readers, two stroke fans or not, I urge you to support this possibility. Please email Davey Combs at:

and tell him you want this to happen! Even if you hate two strokes, and swear four strokes are better, now is the time to prove it!

Title your email "True 250 class" and tell em' you want it!

Thank you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Email sent.